Friday, April 04, 2008

A perfect day...

Literally. I rocked my oral three-hour final exam, stopped to appreciate the cherry blossoms on the way home from getting dinner, stuffed myself with Baja Fresh tacos and guacamole, and then Will called me unexpectedly. After the week that I had, nothing could have topped it off any better.

So, we have one week of clinical left at INOVA Fairfax hospital. I am excited because we will get to rotate though a bunch of different ICUs and the ER. I am hoping for the ER twice this week, because I love it and feel very at home there. Gee, who didn't know that?! Ha-ha. It will be so nice to be on cruise control and not have to worry about doing pathophysiology flow trees, care plans and objectives this week... Just patient care and seeing some interesting things that we wouldn't see at Walter Reed. INOVA Fairfax is a level 1 trauma center, so they get pretty severe trauma that other hospitals are not equipped to take, so (not that I am wishing bad things on people) I hope I get to see some traumas, since it is what I am leaning toward for my masters degree.

Well, this is a short post tonight, since I am absolutely exhausted from the day and not getting too much sleep last night preparing for my exam. It is off to enjoy a beer, some trash TV and then off to bed for this nurse...

66H8A (in training) out...


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