Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Insomnia strikes again...

So, yesterday I told you about the new collection I have taken up... Here are the first two in the series...

As I said, if I see someone with a MySpace t-shirt, I will befriend them long enough to get the photo... The only rule is that the head of the t-shirt owner MUST be cut off in the photo. It was an accident the first time, but I realized that it only makes the photos funnier...

Well, I had drinks with Marty last night, and we said our good-byes before he takes off for Ft. Campbell. I will miss having those guys around, but they are both eager to get their careers going, so I am happy that they are moving on to bigger and better things... Both Peter and Marty have purchased homes already, so I am a bit jealous... But in a year or so, I will be ready to do the same. I, of course, had to immortalize the last time I hung out with Marty, so here is the photo... One of the guys at the bar said to Marty, "Don't do it, it'll end up on MySpace!" And I replied, "Nah, not this one... He's not wearing a MySpace t-shirt tonight!" Ha-ha.

Well, it is 4:00am, and Geoff is aghast that I am still awake, since I replied to the e-mail he just sent me...

Oh, cute little Jinxy is snoozing away in her cat bed... I guess I should be snoozing away in my bed too...

66H out...


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