Saturday, July 29, 2006

Why don't they tell you it is so hard not to be "the crazy girl"...

So I am totally drunk, and I will probably regret my dinner choice of four beers, a shot of Jager, and Honey BBQ Fritos tomorrow morning when I get up to go to work; But right now, I feel awesome!! Now, you might be wondering why I am drunk on a work night... Well, I got my house key back from the boy tonight, and am finally done with him. I deleted his number from my phone and deleted him from my MySpace page, mainly so I won't even be tempted to contact him in the least, and be deemed another crazy girl that he dated. Yay for me for having such will-power. Luckily, I ran into Jim as he was going to SOHO when I pulled into the parking lot from work, so I joined him and Andy for some drinks. We had a lovely time... Jim always tells me that I deserve better and for that, I love him. As evidenced by the photo at left... Ha-ha.

Well, enough of the candid sentiment, it is time for me to go to bed, so I am not totally trashed in the morning.

I guess I am officially back to square one... Good thing we are old friends...

66H out...


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