Thursday, May 11, 2006

It's Nurses' Week...

Well, it's Nurses' Week... So, in the spirit, I will do a Highlights of Nurses' Week wrap-up.

1. We got our $7 Nurses' Week t-shirts (glad I only forked over $7 for it...)
2. All of our schedules (military folks only, mind you) were changed completely without warning this week.
3. Tuesday night, I got a phone call from the boy (after we already said goodnight over the phone), wishing his favorite nurse a Happy Nurses' Week...
4. We got little goodie bags (nursing survival kits) with different items representing things a nurse needs to keep his/her sanity... Yes, they were pretty useless, except the candy, but it was a nice thought.
5. A patient thanked me for my care as he was being discharged.
6. I realized that 16 of my 63 friends on MySpace are nurses...
7. At the end of the day, after all of the complaining, I still love being a nurse and really believe that we make a difference.

So now that we have that out of the way... I had a pretty funny experience at the Winn-Dix last night after work. I went in to get bread, and of course left the grocery store with more than I needed... So I am at the check-out counter and the female clerk starts laughing as she is checking my items, so I asked her what was so funny... She says "You tell me... You are getting four pints of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, two bags of Doritos, a box of Nutty Bars, and a box of tampons..." I promptly started laughing and said, "Yeah, I guess those items are all sort of related right now..." Ha-ha. Oh, and I did get the bread, some soup and milk as well.

Man, I am SO procrastinating on the laundry I need to do... It is comedy night tonight and Kimmy is back in town... That combination is seriously a Molotov Cocktail of fun waiting to be thrown...

66H out...


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