Saturday, April 22, 2006

New furniture!!

Well, I finally broke down and bought a mattress/boxspring, couch and a loveseat today... I didn't find any bedroom furniture that I liked at Tate's, so I will stick to my original plan and get the rest of it at Ikea. I am quite excited about it, and it was fairly resonably priced as well... They get delivered on Monday, so I will post pictures of my "new" living room soon.

Jim and I are going to this cool oyster bar we found on Easter Sunday tonight along with some of his friends that I haven't met, so it should be an interesting evening. But, first we need to go to Wal-Mart and get some lawn chairs... Jay has a 12-mile ruck march tomorrow morning for Sapper school training, and Jim and I are going to set up our lawn chairs with some beers near the end of the course to cheer him on. It will be awesome, the rest of his classmates will be SO jealous... I will definitely get some pics!

Well, I am off to eat, shower and venture out to the Wal-Mart...

66H out...


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