Sunday, December 25, 2005

So that's why the elves have to work so hard...

Okay, so I thought the houses on my street were over the top this Christmas... Oh no, I saw the absolute worst waste of natural resources I have ever seen in front of a house near my old high school. Now I know why the elves have to work so hard all year... They need to help cover the North Pole's electric bill for the month of December. I have included a photo for your viewing pleasure (or what ever emotion this photo evokes...)

When my Mom and drove past the house on our way home from dinner, I had such mixed emotions when I saw it, that I made her drive back after I got my camera from home so I could document the light show and decide how I felt about it later... Well, I don't feel that good about it, but rock on, it isn't my electric bill...

Okay boys and girls, it is that time again... Fun with fortune cookies!! Ooh, they are good ones this time!

1. You will enjoy good health, that is your form of wealth...
2. If you continually give, you will continually have...
3. Keep your ideas flexible, and don't ignore details...
4. Your vibrant personality inspires others, stay that way... (how did they know I would get that one?)

Well, it will be a short post tonight; Getting up at 11:00, eating pancakes, opening presents, and then going over to someone's house to watch them cook wore me out today... :)

66H out...


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