Thursday, December 22, 2005

Unlimited internet access for a whole week...wahoo!!

Okay, so I am not only super excited about being home for a week, but having internet access and a television that I can actually watch shows on... I won't have cable or internet for another week down in Columbus. Steve, you would be so proud, I have been watching so many movies! Oh, and I heard that AIT is back in session too... Ha-ha! No really, Steve you're awesome!

Wow, so much to blog about... Where to start, where to start? Well, last Saturday my neighbor Jim and I made the 100 mile trip to IKEA in Atlanta, and both spent way too much money. When we got back to Columbus, it was raining, so we decided to unload the car on Sunday. Sunday was IKEA assembly day... Wow, so much work to save a little money... The sad thing is we are going back for more self-assembly torture after the first of the year. However, after all of the hard work, my apartment is starting to look like someone actually lives there...

My apartment's biggest milestone occurred on Sunday as well (thanks to my new furniture): Jim and I ate the first meal prepared in my apartment on a table!! Jim and I traded off cooking for the first week, and we had been eating on our respective floors... It was quite a sad sight. So for the christening meal, we ordered Chinese. It was quite tasty, and the fact that the restaurant gave us four fortune cookies gave me a good idea for blogging fun!

And now for a new segment on my blog... Fun with fortune cookies! For those that are unfamiliar with how to make your fortunes fun, all you need to do is add the phrase "in bed" to the end of your fortune, then presto, you have a funny fortune rather than a crappy one! Okay, now you try!

1. You are always welcome in a gathering...
2. The nearest way to glory is to strive to be what you wish to be thought to be... (I am serious, that is really what it said!)
3. Planning is the prelude to successful action...
4. Maxim for life: You get treated in life the way you teach people to treat you...

See, wasn't that fun?

Moving on... So I also hung my black cat shower curtain this week. It looks so awesome! The cat is as tall as the curtain itself! Thanks Geoff, it gives a whole new level of chic-ness to my bathroom. The lone pair of eyes in the corner makes me hum the theme to "I Dream of Genie" whenever I go in the bathroom...

On Monday, I got a Christmas "box" from my Dad and Carolyn. I thought it would be funny to use the Pointsettia plant I bought to spice up the apartment as a "Christmas tree". So I opened the box, took all of the presents out, and arranged them under the Pointsettia... Voila! I thought it was quite clever...

The flight home was a bit turbulent, especially flying over the Colorado Rockies. (Sarah, I thought of you even though you are in Wisconsin right now...) However, In the Sky Mall catalogue, I saw this cool remote-controlled Patriot missle launcher and instantly thought of Jim. I called him when I landed and told him about it. Man, with the huge remote-controlled M1A2 Abrahms tank I saw at Wal-Mart, and the Patriot missle launcher, Jim and I could dominate our section of the apartment complex... That would be fun.

Well, that brings everything up to speed on this end... I hope everyone is having a lovely holiday season and enjoying the Christmas cards!

66H out...


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