Sunday, February 12, 2006

Combien de renards dois-je rencontrer avant de trouver mon prince?

"How many foxes must I meet before I find my prince?"

Simply based on sheer demographics, the majority of the people I have met here are men; Whether it be out on the town, or through the friends I have made here (which are men)... Anyhow, I have come to the realization that they are all silver-tongued little foxes, which oddly enough reminds me of my favorite fable from the French literary master, Jean de la Fontaine... It is aptly titled:

The Crow and the Fox

Master Crow perched on a tree,
Was holding a cheese in his beak.
Master Fox attracted by the smell
Said something like this:
"Well, Hello Mister Crow!
How beautiful you are! how nice you seem to me!
Really, if your voice
Is like your plumage,
You are the phoenix of all the inhabitants of these woods."
At these words, the Crow is overjoyed.
And in order to show off his beautiful voice,
He opens his beak wide, lets his prey fall
The Fox grabs it, and says: "My good man,
Learn that every flatterer
Lives at the expense of the one who listens to him.
This lesson, without doubt, is well worth a cheese."
The Crow, ashamed and embarrassed,
Swore, but a little late, that he would not be taken again.

I met myself one of those earlier in the week and he tricked me into thinking that he was interested... Come to find out he has a little girlfriend in the Mid-west... When I called him on it (because no one gets away with that with me) he swore that he is really interested and that he has just been so confused about the whole situation since he met me... I smiled and said "I am very flattered that you feel that way, so once you figure it all out, give me a call." My goodness I must have put a little hex on him...

Good thing I was watching my cheese...

Hope that gave you all a good little laugh for the week... And ladies, always keep an eye on your cheese, it's a skulk of foxes out there...

66H out...


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