Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Oxygen is definitely the spot NOT to meet an officer...

So, I guess this could easily be an addendum to my last blog... Remember when I told you about the guy that told Jim I was gorgeous the other night? Well, the next night, at the same club, while I walked to the bar to get a drink, some random guy told Jim that he "need[ed] to chase that (profane word that begins with 's'), because she is hot!" Wow, I guess it was just my weekend...

Speaking of, Jim and I also played a fun game while we were there... Guess your rank. For every guy with a "high and tight" that talked to me, Jim and I would guess his rank as he walked over, then I would ask what rank he was to see if we were right. Great fun... If I remember correctly, we were about three for five... Maybe I can use it as a segment in my blog when Jinx isn't busy destroying things...

On Saturday night, Jim and I played poker with four of his buddies... I didn't win the pot, but I kicked five guys' butts (including Jim's) before I lost with a full-house (pocket Queens over 7's), to a full-house (pocket Kings over 7's)... I know that you are thinking I was pissed, but I have never made it to the top two before, so I was quite satisfied with the end result (even if I did lose my ten dollars). In retrospect, I really wish I had my camera to take a picture of my chip stack... It was quite impressive. Steve, you would have been so proud of your little poker prodigy!

In other news, I will be participating in the flag retreat ceremony for the Army Nurse Corps Birthday celebration on Wednesday afternoon, so that should be cool. I just hope I remember to order arms and center face at the correct time, or I will look like a silly doof in front of roughly one hundred people...

Well, more Department of Nursing Orientation tomorrow morning, so I gotta run and make my lunch, polish my boots, and get the coffee ready to brew in the morning...

66H out...


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