Sunday, January 15, 2006

She's crafty...

Well, I am quite pleased with how productive and handy I was this weekend... I hung bamboo shades and put up lights out on the patio (pictured at left), I fixed one of the sliding metal doors in my kitchen and I am now an expert at square-inch utilization... Since I don't have a dresser yet, and I wanted to get all of my clothes out of boxes and suitcases, I had to fit all of my clothing into one closet for the time being. That's right folks, Audrey had to get all of her clothes into one closet... How did she accomplish such a feat you ask? Well, I made use of just about every square-inch of it... literally. I may have to post pictures, because I know there are some naysayers out there that don't believe me (the same ones that can't believe that I actually cook meals now).

Speaking of cooking, I cooked with my crock pot again tonight. I felt confident enough to invite Jim over to try my culinary handiwork, and he liked it! He felt that the vegetables were still a bit too crunchy, but I myself prefer them that way. I detest mushy vegetables, they make me want to huck... After I finish up the stew, I am planning on making a cheddar soup. The receipe sounded great, so I am going to go for it. I will keep y'all posted on how it turns out...

In other news, I am happy to report that the Thule locks/keys saga is finally over... I wised up and became smarter than the locks... While I was getting deisel on Friday, I thought to myself, "If I were my locks, and I wanted to make sure that I got to Georgia with Audrey, what part of the car would I have hitched a ride in?" At that moment, the light bulb came on... I opened the trunk and opened up my Rubbermaid container of car neccessities, and there they were!! I did a little dance and a cheer, but not too much, I was in my BDUs at the gas station on post...

And now on to the part of my blog that everyone looks forward to... The quote of the day: MXC (a Japanese game show that Spike TV comically dubs into English) - "You know you've had a good meal when you get the meat-sweats..." And last, but not least... Fun with fortune cookies!

1. Your strength will grow stronger by being tried...
2. Your artistic talents win the approval and applause of others...
3. Life has no other desire but to fulfill itself...
4. A former lover comes back into your life... (I swear, I didn't make that one up!)

Wow, those were good ones today!! I had fun, and I hope you did too! Sadly, only have enough fortune cookis left for three more installments of Fun with fortune cookies, so I will have to start thinking of another segment for my blog; However, I am getting quite fond of the WTF moment of the day...

Well, I start on nights tomorrow, so I am off to keep myself awake until about 3 or 4 am... Oooh, maybe I'll go to Wal-Mart, that's always a good time. Aye! Time for Grey's Anatomy, can't miss Dr. McDreamy...

66H out...


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