Sunday, January 08, 2006

Computer misery...

So the computer problems continue... I failed to pack my system disks and my camera installation software, so I am forced to use various other computers, depending on what time of the day it is and if Jim is home... So frustrating. Now I can't blog whenever I feel like it and I can't post pictures right now unless I go to Kinko's and pay an arm and a leg to use the internet... (Which is what I am doing right now because I am becoming a blogging, picture-posting addict.)

In other, more exciting news... Well, news anyways... My household goods arrived on the 5th and I spent three long days unpacking all of the boxes. My, my, I found some interesting things while I was unpacking: A box of all of the letters I received while I was in France, a box of old high school stuff, my "Sean" box, my "Geoff" box, and just random "Why did I keep that?" stuff. Quite the trip down memory lane to say the least... But the flip-side of my hard work is that the apartment is looking awesome now that I have all of the boxes and trash bags out of the way. Final score: 39 Boxes, 14 bags of trash, and two trips to the trash compactor... Thanks for your help Jim.

One thing that I realized from unpacking is that the Thule locks/keys saga continues!! After not being able to find the set of keys that unlocks the locks to my car rack (I literally turned my room in San Jose upside down to find them), I called Thule to order a new set... After unpacking all of the boxes, now I can't find the locks... Oh, but it gets better - While unpacking one of the boxes, I found the original set of keys that came with the locks. The drama surrounding the whole saga has been so ridiculous that I laughed after voicing a long string of explitives last night. I feel my blood pressure going up just thinking about it...

I also found three old fortunes and my Fortune Teller Miracle Fish (a fish that tells your fortune by what it does when you place it in the palm of your hand), so I have been inspired to create a one-time addendum to the Fun with fortune cookies segment of my blog... And now, Vintage fun with fortune cookies!

1. You are going to have a new love affair...(found in my old diary)
2. The luck that is ordained for you will be coveted by others... (found at the bottom of a box)
3. Fame and fortune is coming your way... (also found at the bottom of a box)
4. Miracle Fish: I am passionate... (due to the fact that it curled up entirely)

And now for current Fun with fortune cookies!

1. You will be rewarded for your efforts...
2. You are active, full of ideas, and have a generous nature...
3. Someone you recently met will play an important role in your life... (Hmmm, interesting...)
4. The key to happiness is having dreams...

Jinx is adjusting nicely to her new home; She loves the screened-in porch and continues to snooze on the shelf above the fridge. Now, she is even coming out to greet people when I have company.

As I was chilling out in my "new and improved" living room, I casually glanced down at the books I arranged under the glass top of my coffee table and took note of what an odd collection of books I put out, enough so to write them down and post them on my blog... Enjoy!

"The Art of War"
"Books of the Century"
"So Now You Know... A Compendium of Completely Useless Information"
"The Most Evil Women in History"
"The Darwin Awards"
"The IG Nobel Prizes"
"The Experts' Guide to 100 Things Everyone Should Know How to Do"
"Paris - Then and Now"
"Audrey [Hepburn] - A Life in Pictures"

Lastly, I attended a Newcomers' Orientation tour on Friday. It was a great tour of the post and of downtown Columbus. We even got some free food and a roast chicken lunch when we toured the Commissary! At the end of the tour, the tour guide raffled off some prizes and I won a pair of tickets to the symphony!! I am excited, I haven't gotten dressed to the nines in a while. Hopefully it will be a good time...

Well, that is about it for now... Hospital Orientation tomorrow and Tuesday, then it is on to 12-hour nights starting Wednesday... I'll be thinking of you while you are working nights too Geoff.

66H out...


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