Wednesday, January 04, 2006

What does a girl have to do?!

I don't know why all of the computers in the business center suck so badly... I haven't been able to post pictures on my blog from a CD here for some gay reason or another, not to mention that my computer is jacked up right now and I have to purge and reformat the hard drive... Almost enough to piss me off.

Wow, okay, I think I am alright now... So I had my first day of work yesterday and it was the most uneventful day ever. The census is still really low, and we had more nurses than patients on the floor. However, all of that will change now that Basic Training, Airborne and Ranger School is back in session... Bring on the orthopedic and pneumonia patients!!

I am happy to report that my first stew turned out awesome!! Thank you crock-pot, you're the best! I was inspired to try another recipe, so I will keep y'all informed about my new cooking adventures... Oooh, maybe I will make that a new segment on my blog...

Well, I am off to get my hair cut, do laundry, and I might actually work out for the first time in a month... Well, that is not all together true, I tried to swim today, but the pools aren't heated ever, so I am really glad that my Mom sent my wetsuit with my household goods...

66H out...


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