Monday, January 02, 2006

If a tree falls in the woods...

So you might be wondering what the title of my blog is all about today... Well ladies and gentlemen, Audrey purchased a crock pot today (thank you Santa Mommy), and she actually cooked with it!! Shocking I know, I hope y'all were sitting down for that one... I made Jim take a picture of me cooking, because I knew there would be some skeptics out there. Like I said, "If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, does it really make a sound?"

We had the craziest storm last night - complete with thunder, lightening and rain... At about 3:30 am, there was a crash of thunder that was so loud, it set off car alarms in the parking lot. I truly thought that Ft. Benning was being bombed, it was nuts... Needless to say, I had a hard time sleeping and called Geoff at 4:30 am (1:30 am Cali time). Apparently, people were doing some crazy corporate flying last night so he couldn't talk long, but it still made me feel better to hear a familiar voice. Thanks Geoff! :)

In other news, I have my first shift at the hospital tomorrow. I am somewhat nervous even though I am just orienting to the floor, but I also have meetings with the Chief Nurse and the Hospital Commander as well (good thing I picked up my clean, starched uniforms yesterday).

Okay, now on to the always amusing portion of Audrey's blog... Fun with fortune cookies!

1. Faith is the answer to success...
2. Do not avoid what you know to be right...
3. Your whole family is well...
4. If you focus on a certain path, you may miss the detours you were meant to take... (written by an out-of-work Hallmark greeting card writer perhaps?)

I will leave you with that thought while I go stir the stew...

66H out...


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