Three years...
I have been in the Army for three years now... Crazy. If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be in the Army and would have lived in four different places in the past three years, I would have asked you what drugs you were taking. Ha-ha. I guess what really made me think about it was the fact that I made the Captain's list last week, and by the end of the year I will be a Captain... Doubly crazy!
Other than that, Jinx has been taking full advantage of the windowsill behind the couch in the living room. Other than my pillow, it seems to be her favorite spot to catnap. She always looks SO cute all stretched out enjoying the sunshine. I tried to sneak up on her while she was sleeping, but she woke up right as I was getting ready to take the picture. Oh well, she still looks cute!
In other news, I pretty much have everything settled in my apartment. The only thing left to do is hang artwork... It is such a tedious task of deciding where every piece should go! But, the piece de resistance truly is my closet... I had to install more shelving for my shoes and buy 60 more hangers for all of my clothes. I know, I know, not a big shocker for those that know me fairly well. And of course, I can't pass up posting a photo of my handy work. Ha-ha! I literally have every square inch of my closet utilized, even with the brand-new six drawer dresser I bought... Again, not a big surprise for those that know me! It will definitely be a chore keeping it all organized...
Anyhow, work is going well and I am almost off orientation. I just have to finish up some required paperwork, then I will be on my own! Yeah! The next work hurdle I am getting ready to jump is taking my Certified Emergency Nurse exam... I bought a study guide two weeks ago, so I am going to shoot for sometime around my birthday to take the exam.
Nothing much else is going on... Will comes home in six months. I can't believe it. It seems like he left yesterday, but it feels like he has been gone for an eternity. I just can't wait to put my arms around him... I miss him so much, I can't even express it.
66H (in transition) out...