Maybe it is a sign...
So, I was going to run with my running club tonight, but I accidentally left my PT bag at school today... Argh! Oh well, maybe I'll catch them on Saturday for the long run. Anyhow, my cardiac exam did not go as well as I had hoped, but I think I still managed to get one of the highest scores, so I am happy. Since I wrote last, we had our Pediatric exam, and I kicked some serious butt... Yeah! For those that don't know me that well, I am a tad competitive and I tend to be very tenatious to acheive my goals... Ha-ha. I am sure that you are all chuckling to yourselves at that last remark Mom, Dad and Auntie B...
Unfortunately, I didn't quite make it out to any of the Smithsonian museums this past weekend, but I am determined to get out and see one this weekend! I will have to be very judicious about studying tomorrow and Saturday, so that I can play a little bit on Sunday. I was thinking about going to the American Art Museum, or Renwick Gallery down by the White House... We shall see. I am saving the National Air and Space Museum for when Geoff comes to visit, since I think he would dig it, being a pilot and all. Actually, visiting the Air and Space museum kills two birds with one stone, since some of the collections from the American History Museum are there during renovation. I can't wait for that one! They have Dorothy's Ruby slippers on display, plus Abraham Lincoln's top hat, Custer's buckskin coat, and Kermit the Frog!
I am really missing Will right now... He is busy
getting ready to move again, and won't have any sort of internet connectivity, so I am hoping for a letter every so often. He has been deployed for four months now, so we have eleven to go, and only eight months until he comes home on leave. I guess it has made me sort of down lately... I was hoping that the nursing course that I am doing right now would help keep my mind off of it, but it really hasn't. However, it does make the days go fast, which is a
bout the best thing I could ask for right now. Although, having little Jinx here helps, she always makes me smile and laugh, because she is so cute and funny. She was sleeping under the covers by herself the other day and just looked like a little princess, so I had to capture it in digital media... On the subject of random photos... I don't know why I felt compelled to take a photo out of my window the other night, but I thought it just looked so cool with the moon where it was and the fact that I could see it so well because I am on the fifth floor. So here it is...
I guess that is about it for now... I have a paper that I need to start working on in order to continue my bid for Distinguished Honor Graduate of my class... Ha-ha.
66H8A (in training) out...